5 Performance Marketing Tips during the Coronavirus crisis

While reading this you’ve probably heard quite a bit about the coronavirus: maybe at first you’ve heard concerning messages from surrounding or far away countries, but unfortunately it has now become…


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How to create a Todo App in ReactJs

React presents us with a great library to build nice applications. At least we all know that every good software developer began their journey from somewhere. So here you are. Let’s build a working ToDo App in ReactJs.

Create a react app using the following commands.

npx create-react-app my-app

Substitute the my-app folder name with yours for example todoapp

npx create-react-app todoapp

Change directory to get into todoapp folder
cd todoapp

Run npm start to run your application.
npm start

All the dependencies will be installed and you can see your app running.Now,edit the App.js file to create todoapp.In your App function declare your variable with useState method to handle changes in your app then create an array of the tasks you want to do as follows:


Then create an input form for inputting new items typed in the input field. Ensure that your form does not refresh using the e.preventDefault.The form should have an onSubmit event handle to submit the typed item when addTodo button is clicked.


Create an onDelete function and pass an id parameter to help you delete tasks:


Then finally create an onEdit function for editing the texts.


You can the create an onEdit,onDoneEdit and ontodoEditnamechange function to allow editing of items.


The final app will look like the one shown below.Go ahead and give it a try.Happy coding.

Working app

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